Monday, April 1, 2024


On Easter, many celebrate the feast of the Resurrection,  but I prefer to celebrate Easter.  "Easter" is a form of the name, Ester, and also Ishtar, all based on the original name, "Astarte", who was a fertility goddess worshipped all over the Mediterranean from Persia to the Straits of Gibraltar.  Astarte was usually worshipped along with a male fertility god, Baal, whose symbol was the bull.  And Baal and Astarte were also worshipped across much of Western Europe,  starting long before there were any Ibrahimic religions.

 There is a movie you can rent called The Cave of Forgotten Dreams.  You should see it. It shows the beautiful cave paintings of the Chauvet caves in southern France.  These are beautiful, realistic paintings of dozens of animals, horses, deer, bison, etc,  but no humans----except one.  This figure, an attractive human female, is badly eroded, so that only a torso remains.  This woman is standing next to a young bull bison, with one arm resting on the back of the bull.  There is no way to prove it, but I suspect that what we are seeing is a representation of Baal and Astarte.  And these paintings were made 19,000 years ago.  If you like that "Old Time Religion,"  just celebrate Easter.