Monday, December 19, 2011


       The  most mysterious of all human qualities is leadership.  We know what it does, but not what it is.  A leader simply has followers.  At times, I doubt if I could lead a pack of starving wolves if I were driving a dump truck full of pork chops.  At other times,  my words are accepted and taken the direction I seem to be going--  before I quite know what direction that might be.
      Leadership arrives uninvited, loiters about just long enough to raise false hopes, and leaves without so much as a fare thee well.  Is there even such a thing as leadership,  or have we simply witnessed the condition of being temporarily immersed in an ocean of "followership?"

1 comment:

  1. I hope it is a temporary dip, but I fear the followership is hard aground and here to stay.
